Mountain lions, snakes, coyotes, twisting an ankle or tearing a knee ligament (again). These are the things I think of that might cause me physical harm on the trail. Bullets somehow never made that list yet that's exactly what we had to fear when the sounds of target practice could be heard loud and clear from a group of campers just across the ravine from where we were hiking.
It wasn't scary when we only heard one or two shots because we figured they were just hunting. When the shots got more frequent, all I could think of was how many Miller High Life's had been emptied out (well before noon) to create their target range. I'm strictly speculating and assuming here, but thoughts go through your head when you hike, especially when you hear gun fire. The hike was full of surprises like when we were taking a lunch break and we got a Stearn warning from "the man" (park rangers). Supposedly you're not suppose to have too many people HIKE on certain TRAILS. I guess it's nice of them to put them there for the use of local wildlife.
Anyways, the hike was great and I gotta give it up to Stacy for completing an endurance hike while she is sick! BIG UPS!!!
Actual Footage (Not a reinnactment):
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