Yesterday's hike was a 9 mile, up and back, climbing hike that was very symbolic of our fundraising efforts. We had great views of a lush green valley in the distance but the path we were on right beneath our feet seemed all dried up and kept going on and on and on, up and up and up. At the top of the climb there was a shaded bench area where we relaxed and ate our snacks and looked down at where we had just climbed from. The view from the top was pretty nice, and eventually EVERYONE on our team made it. I can't wait until we get that same view WHEN we reach our fundraising goal of $8000. The second part of the hike was, as they say, all down hill from there. I am convinced that hikers invented that beautiful phrase!
Our fundraising efforts are very similar to these hikes. At times it seems daunting and feels like we bit off more than we could chew. At other times we feel like we have come a long way and feel proud. There are discouraging moments, and extremely rewarding ones. One of the things I love about hiking is that it is all about discovery and exploring places I've never been. It is full of great surprises, like the one we had when we went to REI after our hike.
We went there because Stacy needed some convertible hiking pants for our training. While we were there we both realized that we have been doing so much for others through our fundraising, that we have done nothing for ourselves in a really long time. We decided that it would be fitting to buy her a dress and me a nice shirt for us to wear at our victory dinner on the night of our Half Dome hike. While Stacy was trying on her dress, a woman was sitting on the floor outside of the fitting room looking at different suitcases. She was trying to see which one would be the best suited for her trip to help people in Haiti (which we found out later).
She heard us talking and asked what we were training for. We explained that we are hiking and raising money for LLS and I jokingly asked her if she would like to donate. Her response was, "As a matter of fact I would," and she began to write a check right there on the spot! I did not expect her to say that, so I think I was so excited that I ended up talking her two friends' ears off about our hikes while she was writing the check. Meanwhile, Stacy was popping her head out of the fitting room as the three ladies told her how good she looked in the dress. I was stoked 'cause she never believes me!
When they left to make their purchase, Stacy said that they had no idea how happy they had just made us. I told her I think they did! In fact, I remember saying to the ladies that I was having trouble smiling because my lips were so chapped from the hike, but I was happy on the inside. They definitely made our day!
Running into these three women was an unlikely surprise that let us know we are on the right track and should continue to be determined and to not give up on our cause. The world is a better place with people like them in it who are so willing to drop everything to help people in need! It was an encouraging and inspiring moment for us that will be one of many we will remember for a long time after we have reached our goal (especially since she shares the same first name as the person we are doing all of this for). It also made us realize that it is important to reward ourselves along the way for all of our hard work (even if that means sitting in the trunk of a Honda Civic and using the trunk lid as shade as you enjoy a bottle of water after a long hike). I hope we get compliments on our new clothes at the victory dinner so I can tell people about the day we bought them!
This blog is dedicated to our new friend, and we wish her the best of luck in Haiti!
One of the women we met is a cancer survivor herself, and made this video to help women deal with their cancer diagnosis and treatment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9choRJAmoYA
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