It should be no secret by now that Stacy and I are big fans of music (loud, fast and hard music to be specific) and love going to shows. Her first love is punk rock and mine is hard rock, or metal. Her favorite band is Green Day, and mine Metallica, but the one band we can both agree on as our collective favorite is southern California's very own Bad Religion. Their speed and intellect have held our attention for many years and we have seen them play live many times. Last nights show was pretty amazing and we had a pretty close spot to the band as the photos can attest. It was part of their "30 Years Tour,1980-2010" because that's how long they have been a band. By my count, that's a pretty amazing feet for any band. They have been around long enough to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame and then some.
No pun intended (well maybe), but speaking of feet, one of the first things I noticed at the show was a Bad Religion t-shirt at the merch. table. Part of the graphic had a large footprint stomped in the middle of the back with hiking boot tread. Coincidence? Maybe?!? It definitely made us feel like we were in the right place, that's for sure! The first time Stacy ever met Danny was at a Bad Religion show back when we were dating and now we are hiking in his memory and we see the bands logo with a boot print that looked strikingly similar to one of the hike team logos from Team In Training. I would've bought it if it weren't for the fact that money's tight right now. The fact that the singer, Greg Graffin, gave a shout out to Apple Valley was also a little too coincidental since it is part of the tri-city High Desert area where most of my friends and I all grew up.
As always, I try and have a point to these stories, so here it goes. This is Bad Religion's "30 year tour" and we are now in our 30's as well. They are showing no signs of slowing down, and neither are we! Our sweaty hike clothes, muddy boots, rising donation meter, and the fact that we can still hold our own on the floor at a B.R. show are proof of our determination! The boot tread shirt reminded Stacy and I of how we are trying to stomp a mud-hole into cancer and that we should always try and remain young at heart, no matter how many grays or wrinkles we may acquire. Why? Because we want to! What can I say, it's our punk/metal attitude! That actually reminds me about the time I asked my grandpa why he didn't have any gray hairs. His response: "Because I don't want any!" It just goes to show that you are only as old as you want to be!
The only difference between us as adults and us as young little whipper-snappers is that now we are trying to use our energy to help others as well. Not that going to this show was helping anybody in any way aside from letting us blow off some much accumulated steam, but it was a good reminder of why we are working so hard to raise money for Leukemia research in a lot of ways for us.
If you have an inner rebel in you that would like to use your forces for good, please help our cause by donating at: http://pages.teamintraining.org/ocie/Yosemit110/TeamLostDogs
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